Customer Service Heroes: 5 Happy Holiday Tales

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Customer Service Heroes: 5 Happy Holiday Tales

The holiday season is rife with customer service horror stories from both customers and workers. But there are the wonderful ones that keep the seasonal spirit alive and well. Here are happy holiday tales of customer service heroes to draw inspiration and good vibes from: 

1) This story from Shep Hyken’s blog about an Ace Hardware manager and an elderly customer is a heartwarming one that resulted in a nine year long tradition. 

2) Grand Haven Garden House has a small business holiday hero story of soothing a family’s feelings of loss of a loved one at Christmas.

3) Trader Joe’s is known for being unique in many ways including stories of the most interesting above and beyond service. A woman worried about her aging father who lived alone and was snowed in tried to locate a grocery store that would deliver to him (and this was before the common delivery days of the pandemic). Trader Joe’s didn’t offer that service, but provided it anyway and with extra care.

4) Bungie is the company behind the immensely popular videogame, Halo. The father of a child who had to have a liver transplant at the holidays reached out to Bungie in hopes of getting his son a Halo themed gift and the company went above and beyond.

5) Canadians are known for being nice, but Canadian airline Westjet took nice to another level. They placed an interactive digital Santa screen at two airports. Customers could tell a real Santa on the screen what they wanted for Christmas. Much to their surprise, Santa delivered (with the help of many Westjet elves).

Bonus funny story: Did you think a turducken was a new species?

It may not be possible to get every customer their dream present, or to personally deliver special items to every home on a business’ customer list during the holidays. However, these gestures make an impression that lasts. They give customers a positive story they want to share about a brand. Happy customers are great marketing. Besides, spreading joy just feels good. ‘Tis the season! 

Happy Holidays from CSAT.AI