Customer Satisfaction Blog

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Want Great CSAT? Use Neutral Scoring in your QA

Positive and negative scoring has been the name of the game in CX QA for ages, but it isn’t the only option, nor should it be. Adding neutral scoring metrics to your rubric increases insight without stressing your CX team...

Gen Z Service Agents : How to Attract and Retain The iGeneration

There are more Zoomers than Boomers in the workforce now. The World Economic Forum projected that by 2025 Gen Z will make up 27% of working people in the 38 OECD countries and one third of the world population...

Consumer Rage On The Rise: 3 Ways To Support Agents

Not only are performers like Harry Styles and Pink having objects thrown at them on stage, your agents have abuse thrown at them regularly. There are ways to support agents even with consumer rage on the rise...

Where to Start with AI to Get Better CX Results

Research shows customers want a better and better experience in exchange for their loyalty. Studies also show that companies are aware of this and want to provide upgraded experiences. AI can help, but companies that can’t handle a complete...

Reputation Inflation: The Problem With Fake Star Ratings

Reputation inflation is more than useless. It masks problems, ruins data and feeds a culture of fear...

Face the Changes in CX and EX in Customer Service

Businesses must evolve as the people who work them and those who buy from them evolve. Changes in CX and EX in customer service have to come at the speed of change in the world as a whole...

7 New Customer Experience Memes with Stats

Here are some customer experience memes I created based on stats to encourage raising your CX...

Customer Friction: How to Identify Pain Points

Friction is great when trying to remove layers of paint but it will also remove layers of your customers’ patience. Identifying customer friction, aka pain points, is part of the ongoing work of creating great customer experience and enduring customer...

Service Level Agreement Compliance: How to Track Your SLAs

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are a necessary part of the business-customer relationship. They need to be created with both your company’s unique needs and the needs of your customers. However, there is little point in going through the trouble of...

SoCal Best Tech Startup Winner

CSAT.AI was voted Best Tech Startup in SOCAL in 2022 #TimmyAwards.