White paper – NPS, CES, and CSAT: What is your go to metric?

Budgetary limitations, time allocations, the bandwidth to parse and implement the data are all reasons to choose your target metrics wisely. Understanding where your business is in it’s development affects this. Are you just starting your customer relationships or trying to scale up from a solid base of customers?

You’ve got to be able to read the signs once you have them. There is more to a metric than the simple number. The key to reading the signs is knowing the only perfect score is an imperfect one.

What’s Inside?
  • Define Your Goal.
  • Quick Refresher:
              ◼NPS ◼CSAT ◼CES
  • What’s ACSI and Metrics Jenga?
  • Different Levels of Interaction.
  • Make Data Collection Simpler.
  • Take Advantage of Industry Research.
  • Where to Allocate Funds?


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